Lotus Notes, Sametime and Java working together

Sametime and Domino solutions
Lotus Notes/Domino and Sametime software made easy

Sametime Bot Trial Request

Use the form below to request a trial version or contact us by email or phone.

Trial Request Form
Requestor's Name:*

Job Title:
Business E-Mail:*
free email addresses (hotmail, yahoo) are not allowed
Web page:
Number of users:*
users who will have access to use the software
Number of servers:
servers on which you will run the software
Type of server:
type of server on which you will run the software

e.g. Domino, Websphere, Tomcat
Sametime version: e.g. 6.5.1, 7.0, 7.5
Domino version: e.g. 6.5, 7.0.2

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